EP5:Heart Health Benefits - Tails of Science

EP5:Heart Health Benefits - Tails of Science

CVDs in India are becoming more of a concern. In India, CVDs account for an astonishing 26% of all mortality and that too in urban areas. It is reported that CVD accounts for around 90 million Indians and the death rate hovers around an astonishing figure of 450 out of every 100,000 thousand. This gives the idea that this definitely is a pressing matter, but do you know how easy yet endearing this problem is, to solve?

Let us introduce our beloved 4th episode of Tails of Science where the question of how does our lovely pets aid in aiding our heart problem, is explored.

The Cardiovascular Crisis in India

In India, CVDs have risen at a disturbing rate due to further urbanization and a change in lifestyle. Stress and unhealthy eating routines to name a few, are serving as the main reasons. There are always modern solutions due to modern medicine, but knowing that prevention of heart issues is what is better. That is where pets and surprisingly effective heart protectors come in, as it were.

How Owning and Caring For A Pet Can Help With Cardiovascular Diseases

According to an American Heart Association Study, engaging with pets can markedly help manage stress hormones particularly cortisol and lower blood pressure. Let’s take a deeper look into some medical science behind this correlation:

Easing Stress

Comforting and spending time with pets assists in production and excretion of oxytocin, a.k.a. “love hormone” which helps relieve anxiety and helps one in feeling good about oneself.

Patting and stroking a dog or a cat has helped in lowering heart rates whilst also having a soothing effect, thus turning down the chances of developing heart related disease that might be caused by stress.

Being Able To Instantly Control Blood Pressure

Research suggests that owning pets lowers resting blood pressure when compared to non owners.

In addition to this, the presence of a stressed owner alongside a pet helps aid in reducing blood pressure.

Motivating One To Engage In Physically Straining Activities

Dogs mores so than other animals have also helped to coax owners into engaging in physical exercise.

Daily routines of taking a dog out for a walk and fetching or just sitting outdoors ensures that an owner is undergoing a workout on the regular which is scientifically proven to help with cardiovascular problems.

Being Able To Get Social

Taking your dog out often opens up the chances of meeting other owners resulting in a well knit social circle.

A strong social network helps with beating stress and also prevents other heart diseases.

Benefits in a Nutshell: Testimonies from Pet Parents

How Ramesh Gets Through It's A New Day

A resident of Mumbai Ramesh suffered severe hypertensive related conditions for the longest of times until he adopted a Labrador puppy, Bruno. All of a sudden, this motivated Ramesh to head outside every single morning to take Bruno out for walks. These strolls led to his social interactions improving while also helping keep him physically fit. Now, he enjoys a controlled blood pressure that he credits entirely to Bruno's support for his new and healthy lifestyle.

Reconnecting: Meena With Simba

Working out of Delhi, Meena was married to her work. However, as the pandemic hit, her new reality made her feel isolated and anxious. In an attempt to feel something, she adopted an outdoor kitten and named her Simba. It was much easier for her to forget all of her worries and stresses while she was busy spending time with her pet, and, as a result, she observed a shift in her sleep routine along with her mental wellness. Every time she talked or interacted with Simba, she was able to calmer and relive some of her anxiety which, in turn, relieved some of the pressure on her heart.

Scientific Studies: How Data Speaks

The American Journal of Cardiology published a study that highlighted there was a lesser likelihood of heart diseases among the people with pets.

Furthermore, studies conducted by the American Heart Association noted that there was a 54% greater chance of reaching the recommended activity levels in pet owners who walked their dogs regularly.

Pets can lower the cortisol levels which mean they can lower stress. A research unveiled by Washington State University suggests that interacting with your pet for just 10 minutes significantly helps with stress.

The above mentioned facts clearly points outs how dearly pets are to us and the presence of these companions can enhance our heart and overall health.

Integrating Pets for a Healthy Heart

Provide Daily Exercise to the Dog

Try to walk or lightly jog with your dog four times a week for around 30 minutes or more.

Such exercise is great for your dog and, well, you get a bonus at the same time because jogging is healthy for your heart too.

Time To Play

Try to play fetch your dog, tug of war, and even hide and seek to your pets.

For cats, the use of interactive toys like laser pointers or feather wands work like charms.

A Balanced Diet For You and Your Pet

Try to feed your pet a well balanced diet because while exercising is a important part of living a healthy life, so is a healthy meal.

This is why it is important to not feed your pets table leftovers and use the food prescribed by their vet instead.

Meditation And Imagination

Pet your well trained dogs, or cuddle with them during quiet time together.

This method works great to calm the mind and body when such bonding is viewed as training for meditation.

Vet’s Visit Is A Must

Pets need us to keep them healthy, so even dogs and cats will still be our best friends in ten years.

And, also make it mandatory for yourself to get frequent medical check-ups.

The Emotional Support Role of Pets

Pets have a very important role in people’s lives that goes beyond physical support. They shower us with love, offer companionship, and a sense of purpose. All of this leads to a more healthy heart.

Now, more and more healthcare institutions seem to understand this relationship, applying the help of therapy animals in the case of PTSD, depression, and even for people recovering after having a heart attack.

Everything Summed Up: Thank You To Our Pets

Pets are a wonderful way to help us connect back to joy, health, and happiness in this terribly fast and stressful world. Their tails, purring, and loyalty are good reminders to slow down and appreciate things around us.

In light of the increasing heart problems in India, it is comforting to know that the solution could be just be a pet who nuzzles up to us or sits on our lap. The next time you walk your dog or sit with your cat, know that by doing this you help your heart too.

Pets are not only a source of love in the homes we have built , but in this beautiful journey of friendship they give us life.


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